The sitemaps protocol allows informing search engines about URLs on a website that are available for crawling. A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. To retrieve the sitemap you need your customer identifier, the language and the instance. then just call https://{customer}{lang}/sitemap.xml?instance={instance}

Considered documents

There are multiple rules for documents that are considered to be listed in the sitemap.

  • the document must have an URL
  • the document must be active
  • the document type is not in
    • makaira-product (variants),
    • link (searchable links),
    • searchredirect (search redirect),
    • menu
    • menu_entry (menu)
  • metadata:{robotIndex: noindex} is not set (like this the elements can be hidden from the sitemap)

The XML data contains

  • URL: taken from URL or prioritized canonical_url if set
  • alternative language links (href+hreflang): taken from attribute selfLinks
  • images: taken from picture_url_main
  • last modified: taken from timestamp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xhtml=""
    xmlns:image="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="" />
        <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" />


Duplicate URLs are ignored - each URL is output only once in the sitemap (automatic deduplication, first come first serve)