Makaira offers the possibility to record users' behavior in the store by means of tracking. We use a tracking solution, which we host for this purpose on our own servers in Germany. We can then in turn use this data for you to expand the ranking mix with detailed page view and "added to cart" boosts or to automatically evaluate the data, which allows us to provide the functions, machine learning, and recommendations by shopping cart history or by user history.
If you are interested in these various possibilities, contact us. Tracking itself is free of charge and the earlier you start, the better the results are later on.

Where and what is tracked

Page TypeTracking data
All pages- Download & Outlink
Search- Search word - Number of products found
Category- Category name
Product page- Item number - Item name - Category name - Page view
Shopping cart page/ Add product to shopping cart
Products     Item number       Item name       Category name       Unit price       Quantity
- Shopping cart total
Order confirmation page
Products      Item number       Item name       Category name       Unit price       Quantity
- Shopping cart total - Order number - Order total - Total products - Total discount - Coupon discount - VAT amount - Delivery costs + payment method costs + packaging costs - Absolute discount for order
On all other pages- Page view


Important notes for Makaira users
If you embed Makaira on your website, you must inform your website visitors about this in your privacy policy. We provide you with a corresponding passage for this purpose. Please note that the data protection passage has been created to the best of our knowledge and belief, but it is a voluntary service on our part that cannot replace legal advice. In particular, we cannot guarantee that the passage we have provided does not contain any contradictions with your existing data protection statement. In case of doubt, you should therefore have it checked by your lawyer.

Please also note that based on existing case law, the use of analytics tools may require consent, which we also recommend.

1. Analysis with Makaira
The website operator uses analysis tools from Makaira GmbH, Kimplerstraße 296,
47807 Krefeld (hereinafter Makaira) on its website. An order processing agreement has been concluded with Makaira.
Makaira enables the website operator to analyze the use of the website by website visitors using the open source software Matomo. This involves various usage data, such as page views, dwell time, device categories, operating system (e.g. PC with Windows operating system) and origin of the user (e.g. access to the site via paid advertisements or unpaid search results) or contents of the current shopping cart. This data is summarized by Makaira in a profile that is assigned to the respective user or their end device.
Based on the collected data, Makaira creates a forecast about the preferences of the website visitors. Depending on the preferences determined, the products in the store are then presented to the customer in a specific order or suitable product suggestions are made.

2. Legal basis
The use of Makaira is based on the legitimate interest of the website operator of an optimal promotional presentation of its products (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f DSGVO). If consent has been requested, the data is processed exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a DSGVO. The consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

3. Storage
The profiles created with the help of Makaira are stored anonymously only.